What is mediation?

Mediation is a voluntary method of resolving disputes by which a neutral mediator assists the parties in reaching a mutually agreeable, legal settlement.

How does mediation differ from trial?

In contrast to court hearings and trial where the judge typically decides a winner and loser, the mediator is a neutral participant who guides the parties in crafting a compromise agreement that suits each of their needs. Mediation can be scheduled at your convenience and often results in disputes being resolved much more quickly and less expensively than at trial. With some exceptions, discussions in mediation sessions also are confidential unless a court orders otherwise, compared to the public nature of court proceedings.

How can I get my opponent to participate?

Mediation is a voluntary process, so all parties must willingly agree to participate. The mediator will work with you to raise the issue with the other parties involved to explain the process and advantages, but cannot force someone to participate. 

How do I schedule a mediation?

Click here to Book Online.  If you have questions or are unsure of what session length to book, please contact us at 760-625-0099 or at linda@llmmediation.com

Where are the mediations held?

We have a spacious conference room in historic Old Town La Quinta convenient to restaurants and shops that can accommodate up to 12 persons. It is equipped with high-tech professional conference tools such as whiteboards and a projector. However, mediations also can be held in nearly any business setting and often are scheduled at a party’s law firm or business location. We can come to you anywhere in the Coachella Valley and throughout Riverside County.

How long does it take?

The length of the mediation depends on the nature and complexity of the dispute.  Mediations can be scheduled for 1/2 or full day sessions. Personal and neighbor disputes often can be resolved in a 1/2 day or less, while complex litigation may take a full day or multiple sessions. These matters will be discussed with you when you schedule your mediation.

Mediation Services
Business, Professional and Private Disputes